Operating Your Refrigerator
IMPORTANT: Do not plug in the unit for at least 24 hours after unit is set in
place. Failure to do so may result in the unit working improperly.
This refrigerator/beverage cooler has a rotary temperature control knob
(thermostat) marked with the settings COLD, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, COLDEST in order of
increasing coldness. In addition, this model employs a heater inside the cabinet,
and is designed for outdoor use. When the temperature is colder than the tem-
Note: To prevent excessive strain on the compressor, do not leave the
unit at the COLDEST setting for more than an hour at a time.
Turning on the Unit
The refrigerator turns on automatically when it is plugged in.
Note: If you unplug the refrigerator or the power is cut off accidentally,
allow 8 minutes before restarting it or plugging it back in. It will not
operate properly in less than 8 minutes.
Temperature Setting
Initially set the thermostat to setting 4. The compressor will run continuously for a
few hours and only after the temperature inside the appliance becomes stable
will the compressor run normally (i.e., turn on and off periodically).
When the unit is operated for the first time, it is suggested that you not put foods
in until the compressor is running normally.
Adjusting the thermostat counter-clockwise will make the compressor run for a
longer time with a shorter compressor stop time, and the temperature inside the
appliance will be colder. The setting should be regulated according to ambient
conditions and the desired temperature. The compressor will run for a while after
each regulation before reaching a steady temperature.
Please note: Cold air falls and warmer air rises, and there will be a small
temperature variation from the bottom of the unit to the top. The
temperature at the bottom of the unit will always be slightly colder.