Important SafetyImportant Safety
Important SafetyImportant Safety
Important Safety
Prevent InjuryPrevent Injury
Prevent InjuryPrevent Injury
Prevent Injury
To prevent shock hazard and assure stability during operation, the
washer must be installed and electrically grounded by a qualified service person in
accordance with local codes. Installation instructions are packed in the washer for
installer's reference. Refer to INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS for detailed grounding
procedures. If the washer is moved to a new location, have it checked and
reinstalled by a qualified service person.
To prevent personal injury or damage to the washer, the electrical
power cord of the washer must be plugged into a properly grounded and polarized
3-prong outlet.
The third grounding prong must never be removed. NeverThe third grounding prong must never be removed. Never
The third grounding prong must never be removed. NeverThe third grounding prong must never be removed. Never
The third grounding prong must never be removed. Never
ground the washer to a gas pipe. Do not use an extension cord or an adaptorground the washer to a gas pipe. Do not use an extension cord or an adaptor
ground the washer to a gas pipe. Do not use an extension cord or an adaptorground the washer to a gas pipe. Do not use an extension cord or an adaptor
ground the washer to a gas pipe. Do not use an extension cord or an adaptor
Follow package directions when using laundry products. Incorrect
usage can produce poisonous gas--resulting in serious injury or death.
Do not Do not
Do not Do not
Do not combine laundry products for use in 1 load unless specified on the label.
Do notDo not
Do notDo not
Do not mix chlorine bleach with ammonia or acids such as vinegar.
To prevent serious personal injury and damage to the washer:
All repairs and servicing must be performed by an authorized servicerAll repairs and servicing must be performed by an authorized servicer
All repairs and servicing must be performed by an authorized servicerAll repairs and servicing must be performed by an authorized servicer
All repairs and servicing must be performed by an authorized servicer
unless specifically recommended in this Owner's Guide. Use only authorized
factory parts.
Do notDo not
Do notDo not
Do not tamper with controls.
Do not Do not
Do not Do not
Do not install or store the washer where it will be exposed to the weather.
To reduce the risk of electric shock, disconnect this appliance from
the power supply before attempting any user maintenance. Turning the controls to
the OFF position does not disconnect this appliance from the power supply.
To prevent injury, do not reach into the washer while parts are
moving. Before loading, unloading or adding items, push in the cycle selector knob
and allow the drum to coast to a complete stop before reaching inside.
Failure to comply with these warnings could result in serious personal injuries.
This washer is equipped with an electrical overload protector. The motor will
stop if it becomes overheated. The washer will automatically restart after a cool
down period of up to 30 minutes, if the washer has not been manually turned off
during this time.
Avoid fire hazard or Avoid fire hazard or
Avoid fire hazard or Avoid fire hazard or
Avoid fire hazard or
electrical shock. Do not use anelectrical shock. Do not use an
electrical shock. Do not use anelectrical shock. Do not use an
electrical shock. Do not use an
adaptor plug or extension cord oradaptor plug or extension cord or
adaptor plug or extension cord oradaptor plug or extension cord or
adaptor plug or extension cord or
remove grounding prong fromremove grounding prong from
remove grounding prong fromremove grounding prong from
remove grounding prong from
electrical power cord. Failure toelectrical power cord. Failure to
electrical power cord. Failure toelectrical power cord. Failure to
electrical power cord. Failure to
follow this warning can causefollow this warning can cause
follow this warning can causefollow this warning can cause
follow this warning can cause
serious injury, fire or death.serious injury, fire or death.
serious injury, fire or death.serious injury, fire or death.
serious injury, fire or death.
Use this way ONLYUse this way ONLY
Use this way ONLYUse this way ONLY
Use this way ONLY
Do not use or mixDo not use or mix
Do not use or mixDo not use or mix
Do not use or mix
liquid chlorine bleach with otherliquid chlorine bleach with other
liquid chlorine bleach with otherliquid chlorine bleach with other
liquid chlorine bleach with other
household chemicals such as toilethousehold chemicals such as toilet
household chemicals such as toilethousehold chemicals such as toilet
household chemicals such as toilet
cleaners, rust removers, acid orcleaners, rust removers, acid or
cleaners, rust removers, acid orcleaners, rust removers, acid or
cleaners, rust removers, acid or
products containing ammonia.products containing ammonia.
products containing ammonia.products containing ammonia.
products containing ammonia.
These mixtures can produceThese mixtures can produce
These mixtures can produceThese mixtures can produce
These mixtures can produce
dangerous fumes which can causedangerous fumes which can cause
dangerous fumes which can causedangerous fumes which can cause
dangerous fumes which can cause
serious injury or death.serious injury or death.
serious injury or death.serious injury or death.
serious injury or death.
Note: The instructions appearing in
this Owner's Guide are not meant to
cover every possible condition and
situation that may occur. Common
sense and caution must be practiced
when installing, operating and
maintaining any appliance.
As an ENERGY STAR Partner,
Frigidaire Home Products has determined
that this product meets the ENERGY STAR
guidelines for energy efficiency.
rounding type
wall receptacle
Power supply
cord with 3-prong
Do not under
any circumstances
cut, remove,
or bypass
the grounding prong
from this plug.