
Page 6
Let’s Play in Mono! (Continued)
Refer to Diagrams on Pages 2 and 3
6) Another way to alter the available Delay Times is via the Tape Speed Switch. (#18)
With this switch, you are given a choice of High Speed or Low Speed tape
movement, and you will see the Tape flow at a slower or faster rate depending on
which setting you choose. Tip: As a general rule of thumb: The faster the tape speed,
the more in-tune the repeats will be, the more full-range the repeats will sound, and
the lower the noise level will be. Conversely, the slower the tape speed, the less in-
tune the repeats will be, the warmer the repeats will sound, and you’ll get more of a
“Vintage Echoplex” vibe!
Available Delay Range set to Low Speed (factory internal Trimmer setting):
@ 40 milliseconds to 1.3 seconds
Available Delay Range set to High Speed (factory internal trimmer setting):
@ 20 milliseconds to 650 milliseconds
7) Locate the Echo Repeats Knob, (#7) turning this CW will increase the number of
repeats. Conversely, turning this knob CCW will reduce the number of echo repeats.
Tip: Turn this knob up to around 2 O’clock or higher and you can get a very cool
recycling/regenerating sound that adds tremendous depth to (especially) non-distorted
clean sounds.
8) Locate the small Echo Tone trimmer (#8) and notice that as you turn this CW, the
repeats sound brighter and a little louder. Conversely, turning this trimmer CCW
warms up the repeats and pushes them into the background. Tip: 12 O’clock or Lower
is the normal setting when running the TTE at High Speed, but when running at Low
Speed I find that 5 O’clock yields a nice clarity to the repeats.
9) Playback & Echo On/Off jack (#10): This jack is designed to accept a standard ¼”
one-button footswitch (not included) offering the ability to Cancel/Turn-on the Echo
while still running through the TTE’s beautiful Tube circuitry at all times. Using a Two -
button footswitch (not included) will allow both the ability to Cancel/Turn On the Echo
AND to initiate the “Sound on Sound” feature. (More regarding this feature later)
Tip: use the best quality cable you can find and the shortest length of cable necessary
to get the job done for the footswitch because cheap wire and long cable lengths WILL
degrade the sound quality and volume of the Echo Repeats!