4. Select function desired with the cursor pad or [ENTER] knob and press the
ENTER soft key or [ENTER] knob to register your selection.
5. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu.
Radar function keys
Menu Item Function Function Key Label
OFF Assigns no function. —
HL: HDG LINE OFF Turns heading line off. HL
MOD: MODE Selects presentation mode. MOD
GAI: GAIN Shows gain sensitivity adjustment window. GAI
SEA: A/C SEA Shows manual or A/C SEA adjustment window. SEA
RAI: A/C RAIN Shows A/C RAIN adjustment window. RAI
FTC: FTC Displays FTC window. Adjust FTC with the [ENTER] knob. FTC
ES: ECHO STRETCH Turns echo stretch on/off. ES
PLS: PULSE LENGTH Sets pulselength (long or short). PLS
ZOM: ZOOM Turns zoom on/off. ZOM
SFT: OFFCENTER Press to shift display center to cursor location. Press again to
turn shift off and return cursor to display center.
TRL: ECHO TRAIL Starts/stops echo trails. TRL
RNG: RINGS ON/OFF Turns range rings on/off. RNG
TLL: TLL OUTPUT Outputs cursor position, in NMEA format, to navigator. TLL
ALM: GUARD ALARM Displays alarm soft keys. ALM
EBL: EBL Switches control between EBL1 and EBL2 with each press. EBL
VRM: VRM Switches control between VRM1and VRM2 with each press. VRM
TTM: TTM ON/OFF Turns TTM (Tracked Target (Message) data on/off. TTM
WMK: WPT ON/OFF Turns waypoint marker on/off. WMK
WTM: WATCHMAN Turns watchman on/off. WTM
ACQ: ACQUISITION Acquires and tracks cursor-selected target.(Requires
ARP-equipped Model 1833/1833C series network radar.)
TX: STBY/TX Toggles between standby and transmit. TX
RSR: RADAR SOURCE Selects source for radar picture. RSR
DBX: D. BOX ON/OFF Turns data boxes on/off. DBX
CHG: CHANGE CNTRL* Changes display control in combination display. CHG
*: When selecting CHG on a display, use the same soft key number on all display for CHG.