SP - 1
1.1 Range, Pulse length (PL) & Pulse Repetition Rate (PRR)
Range (nm) Pulse length (µs) PRR (Hz approx.)
0.125 to 1.5 0.08 2100
1.5 to 3 0.3 1200
3 to 72* 0.8 600
*Maximum Range: M1823C-BB: 24nm, M1833C-BB: 36nm, M1933C-BB: 48nm, M1943C-BB: 64nm, M1953C-BB: 72nm
1.2 Range Resolution M1823C-BB: 15 m, Others: 15 m
1.3 Bearing Resolution M1823C-BB: 5.5°, M1833C-BB: 4.0°, M1933C-BB: 2.4°,
M1943C-BB: 1.9°,
M1953C-BB: 1.9° (XN12A), 1.2° (XN13A)
1.4 Minimum Range M1823C-BB: 27 m, Others: 35 m
1.5 Bearing Accuracy ±1°
1.6 Range Ring Accuracy 0.9 % of range or 8 m, whichever is the greater
1.7 Range, Range Ring Interval (RI), Number of Rings
Range (nm) 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 24 36 48 64 72
RI (nm) 0.0625 0.125 0.125 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 1 1 2 2 3 4 6 12 12 16 18
Rings 2 2 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4
Maximum range: M1823C-BB: 24nm, M1833C-BB: 36nm, M1933C-BB: 48nm, M1943C-BB: 64nm, M1953C-BB:
2.1 MODEL1823C-BB:
2.1.1 Radiator Micro-strip
2.1.2 Polarization Horizontal
2.1.3 Antenna Rotation 30/24 rpm nominal (for short/long range)
2.1.4 Radiator Length 45 cm
2.1.5 Horizontal Beamwidth 5.2°
2.1.6 Vertical Beamwidth 25°
2.1.7 Sidelobe Attenuation -19 dB or less (within ±20° of main-lobe)
-21 dB or less (±20° of main-lobe or more)
2.2 MODEL1833C-BB:
2.2.1 Radiator Printed waveguide array
2.2.2 Polarization Horizontal
2.2.3 Antenna Rotation 24 rpm nominal
2.2.4 Radiator Length 60 cm
2.2.5 Horizontal Beamwidth 3.9°
2.2.6 Vertical Beamwidth 20°
2.2.7 Sidelobe Attenuation -18 dB or less (within ±20° of main-lobe)
offered by Busse-Yachtshop.de