Contents of GPS setup menu (con’t on previous page)
Item Description Settings
Disable Satellite Every GPS satellite is broadcasting
abnormal satellite number(s) in its
Almanac, which contains general orbital
data about all GPS satellites, including
those which are malfunctioning. Using this
information, the GPS receiver
automatically eliminates any
malfunctioning satellite from the GPS
satellite schedule. However, the Almanac
sometimes may not contain this
information. If you hear about a
malfunctioning satellite from another
source, you can disable it manually. Enter
satellite number (two digits, max. 3
satellites),then press the C: ENTER soft
Max. 3 satellites
Latitude Sets initial latitude position after cold start.
Use the A: N < - -> S soft key to switch
Longitude Sets initial longitude position after cold
start. Use the A: W < - -> E soft key to
switch coordinate.
Antenna Height Enters the height of the GPS antenna unit
above sea surface. For further details refer
to the installation manual.
0-999 m
GPS Fix Mode Chooses position fixing method: 2D (three
satellites in view), 2D/3D (three or four
satellites in view whichever is greater).
2D, 2D/3D
Cold Start Clears the Almanac to receive the latest
No, Yes
(soft key)
Displays GPS satellite status display.
Requires a FURUNO BB GPS receiver or
GPS navigator outputting the data
sentence GSA or GSV. For further details
see the chapter on Maintenance.