Contents of FP03-09820/09830
Name Type Code No. Qty Remarks
Hanger L 03-163-1111 100-305-141 1
Hanger R 03-163-1112 100-305-181 1
03-163-1113 100-305-191 For FAR-2137S
Hanger stay
03-163-2071 100-305-371
For FAR-2837S
Hole plug CP-30-HP-13 000-160-074-10 2
Plastic rivet KB-13 Rivet Black 000-570-276-10 4
Hex. bolt M6x25 000-162-949-10 4
Hex. bolt M10x30 000-162-884-10 2
Spring washer M10 000-864-261 2
Flat washer M10 000-864-131 2
1. Assemble two hangers and hanger stay with two hex bolts (M10x30), flat washers and
spring washers and cover each hex bolt with hole plug.
2. Fix the above assembly to the mounting location with four hex bolts (M12, dockyard
3. Fasten the monitor unit to the mounting hanger assembly with four hex bolt (M6x25,
4. Cover each hex bolts with panel cover.
5. Cover each holes for hand grip on the hangers with plastic rivet (4 pcs).
Panel cover
Hex bolt (M6x25)
(Torque 7.6Nm)
Hanger (R)
Hanger stay
M12 bolts for fixing (Torque 63.5Nm)
(Dockyard supply)
Hanger (L)
Hex bolt M10x30
(Torque 36.5Nm)
Plastic rivet
Hole plug
Panel cover
To remove this, insert fingernail in groove.
Flat Washer M10
Spring Washer M10
Monitor Unit