How to use the Undo feature
The Undo feature, available when creating a route and a user chart, can be accessed
from the [UNDO] button on the InstantAccess bar. In route creation the feature is used
with waypoint and text input as follows:
Waypoint input: Delete last-entered waypoint.
Text input: Erase last-entered character or character string.
Note: The [UNDO] button is not displayed on the FURUNO 19-inch monitor unit.
12.3.1 How to use the Waypoints page
The following fields and boxes can be found in the [Waypoints] page. Scroll the list
rightward to see hidden items.
[WPT]: Each waypoint has a number.
[Name]: You can name each waypoint.
[Latitude]: WPTs latitude coordinate is
displayed in WGS-84 datum.
[Longitude]: WPTs longitude coordinate is
displayed in WGS-84 datum.
[Leg/°]: Bearing of leg
[Leg/NM]: Length of leg (nm).
[Str Mode]: Define steering mode for each
leg - rhumb line or great circle. Click to se-
lect [Rhumbline] or [Greatcircle].
[RAD/NM]: Define turning radius for each
waypoint. To change a radius, put the cur-
sor in this column to show up and down
arrows. Click the arrows to set the radius.
[Ch Limit/m]: Define channel limit for each
[Plan SPD]: Define planned speed to use
with a leg.
[SPD Max]: Define maximum speed to
use with a leg.
[Margin/m]: Define extension for channel
to be checked against selected alerts.
[PL 1/m, PL 2/m]: One or two sets of par-
allel lines, colored orange, can be drawn
on a route. Set the distance (in meters) to
offset the lines from the route,
from -99999 to 99999. Parallel lines allow
the navigator to maintain a given distance
away from hazards. See the illustration on
the next page.