5.1 What is a Radar Map?
A radar map consists of a layer of marks and lines overlaid on the radar display. A map
is intended for indicating safety-related areas and objects. Ten radar maps can be
made and each map can have a total of 4,000 lines and marks. The map data can be
saved to facilitate repeated use on a routine navigation area. The user can create a
radar map in real time while using the radar for navigation or at leisure time at anchor
or while the radar is not being used. Waypoints, events and user charts from the chart
can be shown or hidden on the radar map display.
The radar map does not affect any radar function.
5.2 Presentation Modes
Six presentation modes are available: North-up, Course-up, Head-up, STAB Head-up,
Stern-up and North-up TM. To select a mode, use the MODE key on the Control Unit
or click the [Range/Presentation mode] box.
Note: Chart data is not displayed in the Head-up and STAB Head-up modes.
5.3 How to Show, Hide the Radar Map Display
Click the [MAP ON/OFF] button to display [MAP ON] or [MAP OFF] as appropriate.