19.5 Danger Targets Log
The [Danger Targets] log stores information about dangerous targets that are re-
ceived from a radar (TTs) and/or targets that are received from an AIS transponder
(AIS targets).
If a TT or AIS target is within the set CPA (Closest Point of Approach) and TCPA (Time
to CPA), information of all TTs (including non-dangerous targets) are recorded into the
danger target log. This data is as follows:
How to view the danger targets log
To open the [Danger Targets] log, click the [Record], [Target Log] and [Danger Target]
buttons on the InstantAccess bar.
• To show the logs of a specific period, enter the period to show with [Period Cov-
ered (UTC)] then click the [Set Period] button. Use the [Clear Period] button to dis-
play all logs.
• To refresh the log, click the [Refresh] button.
• To search the log, do as follows:
1) Click the [Find] button to show the [Find text] box.
2) Click the input box then enter the text to search.
3) Select the search direction, with the up or down radio button.
4) Click the [Find] button. Matching text is highlighted in yellow at the top of the
5) To continue the search click the [Find] button. To cancel the search, click the
[Cancel] button.
• To print the log, click the [Print Text] button.
• To export the log, click the [Export File] button. The file
is namedDangerTargetLogYYYYMMDDhhmmss.csv.
• [Date]: Date of entry
• [Time]: Time of entry
• [Source]: Unit which generated log
• [Type]: Type of dangerous target
• [Latitude], [Longitude]: Latitude and longitude position of dangerous target
• [SPD/kn]: Speed of dangerous target
• [CRS/°T]: Course of dangerous target
• [HDG/°T]: Heading of dangerous target
• [CPA/NM], [TCPA/min]: CPA and TCPA of dangerous target
• [Index]: Radar target no. (TT), MMSI (AIS)
2013-05-08 13:55:59 ECD00
1 TT 35°38.164’N 139°49.842’E 15.1 193.3 N/A 1.3 0.7
2013-05-08 13:53:42 ECD00
1 TT 35°57.770’N 139°49.732’E 12.1 200.6 N/A 1.1 0.2