14.4 How to View Waypoint Information
Click the [Route] and [Route INFO] buttons on the InstantAccess bar to show the
[Route Information] dialog box. Click the [Waypoints] tab to show waypoint informa-
No. Item Description
1 [To WPT], [GO]
The system selects a next waypoint automatically. Check that the To way-
point is the desired one. The system will automatically advance to a next
waypoint when you pass the To waypoint. The default [To WPT] is WPT2.
If you desire a different one, select it here and the click the [GO] button.
[Distance] Distance from current position to selected waypoint.
[Departure] The time the route was selected for monitoring.
[Actual Average
Actual speed
2 Waypoint list The waypoint list provides for each waypoint WPT no., name, latitude and
longitude position, ETA, plan speed, bearing and distance to leg, steering
mode ([Rhumbline] or [Greatcircle]), radius, channel limit, speed max, and
3 [Check ETA]
Parameters for checking ETA. The arrow to the left of [Check ETA] col-
lapse or display the [Waypoints] and [User Chart] tabs.
Select a WPT to find the distance to that waypoint from current position.
[Plan] The planned ETA to the selected waypoint.
[Actual] The actual ETA to the selected waypoint.
[Off Plan] The time difference between planned ETA and calculated ETA to final
WPT, when different. The indication is prefixed with "-" if earlier than
planned; "+" if later than planned.
[SPD Calcula-
Enter speed and ETA (time and date) to find the speed to use to arrive by
the ETA.
[Start Calculate]
Click to start calculation. The button label changes to [Stop Calculate].
The system calculates suggested speed so that ETA to the WPT selected
would be same as planned ETA if type of optimization was "Time table".
4 [Total WPTs] The total number of waypoints in the route.
[Total Distance] The total distance of the route.
* Scroll list horizontally to view
items shown in the right figure.