The alert in the [Alert] box and the flashing of the plotting symbol and vector continue
until the dangerous situation is gone or you intentionally terminate tracking of the tar-
3.13 TT Lost Target Alert
Tracked targets not detected in nine consecutive scans become "lost targets". When
this occurs;
• A red X is put on the TT symbol (flashing) of the lost target. (The lost target symbol
disappears after the lost target alert is acknowledged.)
• The audio alert sounds and the Alert 527 "TT Lost" appears in the [Alert] box.
3.13.1 How to enable, disable the TT lost target alert
The [Lost TGT] indication at the bottom-right position en-
ables, disables the lost target alert. Click the indication to
select [OFF], [FILT] or [ALL] as appropriate.
[OFF]: Disable the alert.
[FILT]: Get the alert against the targets whose criteria
meet the settings made in section 3.13.2.
[ALL]: Get the alert against all lost targets.
Note: The [Lost TGT] setting is shared commonly between TT and AIS.
3.13.2 How to set the TT lost target filter
If you are in an area where tracked targets are lost
frequently, you may want to disable the lost target
alert against certain tracked targets, by maximum
1. Right-click the TT mode indication then select
[TT Menu] to show that menu.
2. Select [3 LOST FILTER MAX RNG].
3. Select [ON]. Select the range setting then spin
the scrollwheel to set the range. Any TT lost tar-
gets beyond this range will not trigger the TT lost
target alert.
4. Close the menu.
AUTO 50/
AUTO 100/
AUTO 150/
AUTO 200