10.8 Permanent Warnings
Permanent warnings help you keep the C-MAP up-to-date and these are shown at the
bottom of the screen. Permanent warnings appear if the system detects a condition
that may cause a chart to be not up-to-date.
Message Meaning, Remedy
CMAP: Database not up to date Database is not up to date. Update the
data base.
CMAP: Dynamic license reporting overdue The time for the “Next Report Date” has
passed. This occurs once every 12 hours if
the condition continues. Get into the Chart
maintenance mode then click the [License]
button. Click the [C-MAP] tab then the [Or-
der Update File] button.
CMAP: Dynamic licensing credit limit You have exceeded the allotted credit limit.
Raise credit limit.
CMAP: No connection to eToken eToken dongle is not connected (inside the
Processor Unit).
CMAP: permits have expired You have an expired permit for a chart. Re-
move the chart or renew subscription for
the permit.
No connection to dongle. Dongle not connected. Connect dongle.
Permit expired (SSE 25): XXXXXXXX
(Chart name replaces Xs.)
You have an expired permit for a chart. Re-
move the chart or renew subscription for
the permit.