1.24.2 How to start, stop the trails
1. Press the TRAILS key to start the trails and select the trail time. The selected time
with the trail mode is shown at the upper-right corner like the figure shown below.
The available trail time with the TRAILS key changes according to trail times,
which you turn on in section 1.24.1.
Trail indications
2. To change the trail time, press the TRAILS key until the required trail time is dis-
played. The trail length increases with the trail time.
Note 1: To erase the trails, press and hold the TRAILS key until a beep sounds, or
select [All Cancel] on the [Target Trails].
Note 2: To deactivate the trails, press the TRAILS key several times until the trail in-
dications disappear from the display.
1.24.3 Trail mode
You can display the echo trails in true or relative motion.
True mode
The true trails show true target movements according to their over-the-ground speeds
and courses. The stationary targets do not show the trails. True trails mode requires
heading signal and position data. If either signal is lost, true trail mode is cancelled.
Relative mode
The relative trails show other ships’ movements relative to your ship. The stationary
targets also show the trails.
True trails and relative trails
To select the trail mode, do the following:
1. Press the MENU key to open the menu.
2. Use S or T to select [Target Trails] and press the ENTER key.
15 S
Trail Mode (T: True, R: Relative)
Trail Time
True target trails Relative target trails