1.25 Target Trails
The trails of the radar targets may be displayed in the form of synthetic afterglow. Target trails are
chosen either relative or true. True motion trails require a heading bearing signal and position
1.25.1 Starting, stopping trails
1. Press the TRAILS key to start trails and choose trail time. The chosen time, along with trail
mode, is shown at the bottom left corner as shown in the figure below. Trail time is available
among 15 s, 30 s, 1 min., 3 min., 6 min., 15 min., and 30 min., and CONTINUOUS. (If 12 H or
24 is selected for Length on the Target Trails menu, one of those times plus CONTINUOUS are
the choices.)
Trail indications
2. To change trail time, press the TRAILS key to choose desired trail time. The longer the trail
time, the longer the trail itself. The trial time selectable with the TRAILS key changes according
to trail length setting on the menu. For further details, see paragraph 1.24.10.
•To erase trails, press and hold down the TRAILS key until a beep sounds. Alterna-
tively, execute All Cancel on the Trails menu.
•To disable trails, press and hold down the TRAILS key several times until the trail
indications and trails are erased from the display.
Trail Mode (T, True, R, Relative)
Trail Time