1.6 Transmitting
After selecting class of emission and frequency, you
can transmit by pressing the PTT (press-to-talk) switch
on the handset or microphone. Output power can be
evaluated on the operation display.
Do not transmit any signal
other than emergency during the
silence period, 00 to 03 min and 30 to
33 min of every hour.
Tuning the antenna:
Maximum transmission power is achieved only when the antenna impedance and transmitter
impedance match each other. Because the antenna impedance changes with frequency a means
must be provided to match (tune) the antenna impedance with the transmitter impedance. This is
done with the antenna coupler. The antenna coupler automatically tunes the transmitter to a wide
range of different antenna length (7 - 30 m). To initiate the automatic tuning, do the following:
• Press the PTT switch on the handset (microphone); or
• Press [7] TX TUNE key.
After one of the above is done;
1. “TUNE” appears on the display.
2. Tuning will be completed within 2 to 5 seconds for a newly selected frequency, or less than
0.5 seconds for a once tuned frequency. (A built-in memory remembers coil and capacitor
3. When the tuning process is successfully completed “OK” appears.
Using the handset:
Hold the handset close to your mouth, press the PTT switch and speak clearly.
Monitoring transceiver output power:
During transmission, the meter deflects depending
on the current being fed to the antenna feeder from
the ATU. The unit of readout is amperes. The
antenna current varies with the effective antenna
impedance. The swing differs by the frequency or
antenna length. The output power is proportional to
the square of an antenna current. But don’t be very
nervous about the meter swing.