
1.11 Dual Watch
The dual watch function permits watch on CH16 and another se-
lected channel. CH16 and another channel are watched at intervals
of 0.15 seconds and one second, respectively.
To start DW, first select the other frequency to watch and then
press the SQUELCH control. When the receiver finds a signal on
CH16, it locks on it and restarts dual watching after the signal on
CH16 has gone. If another channel has traffic, it still continues
dual watch. The speech is heard intermittently. If you are annoyed
with the intermittence, turn off DW by pressing the PTT switch on
the handset or pressing the SQUELCH control.
1.12 Scanning
The receiver scans all channels in the selected channel mode in
ascending channel order, watching CH16 between channels as be-
1 16 2 16 3 16 4…
88 16 87 16 86 16…
To start scanning, press the SQUELCH control. When the receiver
finds a signal, scanning is stopped on that channel and starts dual
watch on it and CH16.