Distance larger than 6"
RF 471 / RF 463 / RW 464 / RC 472
Usability limitations: It may be necessary to open the middle
doors one after the other, rather than at the same time.
Installation accessories: None. SxS* kit comes already pre-installed
on RF and RW.
Notes: Two separate installation cutouts. The clearance between
the two installation cutouts is larger than 6". Change door hinge
of RF 471 and RW wine column.
Distance less than 6"
RF 471 / RF 463 / RW 464 / RC 472
Usability limitations: It may be necessary to open the middle doors
one after the other, rather than at the same time.
Installation accessories: None. SxS* kit comes already pre-installed
on RF and RW.
1x RA 460 010 HK*.
Notes: Two separate installation niches with a stable plinth
between them.
The clearance between the two installation niches is less than 6".
Therefore, an additional heating kit is required.
Change door hinge of RW wine column.
Combination of 4 — alternative
RF 471 / RF 463 / RW 464 / RC 472
Usability limitations: If the middle door is open, then neither of the
outer doors can be opened.
Installation accessories: None. SxS* kit comes already pre-installed
on RF and RW.
Notes: The appliances in the middle are connected side-by-side.
Connecting the others will require additional side-by-side kits.
All 4 appliances must be connected to each other before
installation and pushed together into the installation cutout.
RF 471 / RF 463 / RW 464 / RC 472
Usability limitations: Only one of the middle doors can be opened
at once.
Installation accessories: None. SxS* kit comes already pre-installed
on RF and RW.
1x RA 460 010 HK*.
Notes: All 4 appliances must be connected to each other before
installation and pushed together into the installation niche.
Independent removal of a single unit not possible. Change door
hinge of RW wine column.
*SxS side-by-side kit for side-by-side installation
*HK additional side heating kit
Refrigeration 185