
Appendix A. CR23X/CR10X Programs
12: Z=X-Y (P35)
1: 19 X Loc [ Int1 ]
2: 21 Y Loc [ Minutes ]
3: 19 Z Loc [ Int1 ]
; Move decimal left 2 places
13: Z=X*F (P37)
1: 19 X Loc [ Int1 ]
2: 100 F
3: 19 Z Loc [ Int1 ]
; Pluck of seconds
14: Z=INT(X) (P45)
1: 19 X Loc [ Int1 ]
2: 22 Z Loc [ Seconds ]
; Write data to final storage every time there is
; a valid read of GPS data
15: Do (P86)
1: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)
16: Set Active Storage Area (P80)^18796
1: 1 Final Storage Area 1
2: 101 Array ID
; Write datalogger based time stamp
17: Real Time (P77) ^27570
1: 0011 Hour/Minute,Seconds (midnight = 0000)
; Write GPS based time stamp
18: Sample (P70) ^6080
1: 3 Reps
2: 20 Loc [ Hours ]
; Set resolution to high for latitude and Longitude
19: Resolution (P78)
1: 1 High Resolution
20: Sample (P70) ^20303
1: 4 Reps
2: 2 Loc [ LatDegMin ]
; Write elevation in meters
21: Sample (P70) ^32246
1: 1 Reps
2: 10 Loc [ Elevation ]
; Set resolution low
22: Resolution (P78)
1: 0 Low Resolution
; Write the number of satellites in view
23: Sample (P70) ^1910
1: 1 Reps
2: 7 Loc [ NumSats ]
; Reset the the GPS quality number