
Menu Mode
Training Assistant:
Virtual Partner
To set the Auto Lap:
1. Highlight ‘TRAINING ASSISTANT’ in the Menu Mode and press ENTER.
2. Highlight ‘AUTO PAUSE/LAP’ and press ENTER.
3. Highlight the ‘ON/OFF’ option next to ‘AUTO LAP TRIGGER:’. Press ENTER to turn the
‘AUTO LAP TRIGGER:’ on or off.
4. Highlight the ‘DISTANCE’ option next to ‘LAP DISTANCE:’. Press ENTER to display the
available option menu.
5. Press the DOWN or UP button to highlight ’1/2 MARATHON’, ’10 MILE’, ’10K’, ’5 MILE’,
‘5K’, ‘1 MILE’, or ‘CUSTOM’. Press ENTER to select the option you want.
Virtual Partner
This is a unique feature of the Forerunner 201. You have the option to set up a Virtual
Partner to help you obtain your workout goals. The Virtual Partner always completes the
goal you set. Your job is to keep up with your Virtual Partner. Your Virtual Partner can help
you with ‘Distance & Time’, ‘Time & Pace(Speed)’, or ‘Distance & Pace(Speed)’. The Virtual
Partner mode displays after you enter your settings. In the Virtual Partner mode, the top
character is your Virtual Partner while you are represented on the bottom. As soon as you
press START, your workout begins and your Virtual Partner begins to run. As you move,
your digital self also moves. A message bar appears at the very bottom and shows how far
off you are from your Virtual Partner. Press the DOWN or UP button to view other data in
Virtual Partner Mode, such as distance and time to go. Press STOP to stop the timer after
your goals are complete or select ‘END PARTNER RUN’ from the Training Assistant menu and
a summary screen displays.