Page annunciator 2-1
Page options 2-1
PC Database Update Kit 1-5
PCX5AVD Software Kit 1-5
Present Position Page 5-6
Product support C-14
PWR/STAT Key 2-2
Receiver status messages 8-2
Rechargeable NiCad battery 1-5
Relative bearing pointer 5-2
Reviewing waypoints 3-16
Route Definition Page 6-2
Route List Page 6-6
Routes 6-1
activating 6-4
copying 6-3
creating 6-3
deleting 6-5
editing 6-4
inverting 6-4
RTCM input 8-15
RTE Key 2-3
Runway configuration 3-6
Runway information 3-5
Runway length, minimum 8-6
Runway lighting 3-6
Runway surface, desired 8-6
Runway surfaces 3-6
Satellite Skyview Page 8-4
Satellite Status Page 8-3
Scale, map 5-4
Scanning waypoints 3-14
Searching the sky 2-7
Sectorized airspace 10-4
Setups, unit 8-4
Simulator mode 1-6
Softkeys 2-1
Specifications C-1
Steer to, orientation 8-13
SUA Alarms Page 8-11
SUA information 3-19
SUA messages 3-18
SUA Page 3-18
SUAs, multiple 10-5
Sunrise/Sunset Page 8-21
Surface mounting C-10
Surface, runway 3-6
3D Navigation 2-7
Timer, count down 8-21
Timer, count up 8-20
Time-out, backlighting 8-9
Track (TRK) B-2
Track Log Setup Page 8-9
Trip and Fuel Planning Page 8-18
Trip planning, routes 8-19
Trip planning, waypoints 8-19
TRK up 5-6
True airspeed 8-17
Turn angle (TRN) B-2
Turning off 2-7
Turning on 2-5
2D Navigation 2-7
Units/Heading Page 8-6
Units, selecting 8-7
User map datum 8-8
User waypoint information 3-9
User waypoints
creating 3-10
deleting 3-12
renaming 3-13
Using waypoints 3-13
UTC time 8-20