
Serial Interface Specifications
68 Apollo GX50/60/65 Installation Manual
The fuel/air data input is used to input fuel flow and airdata computer information from the
fuel/air data computer. See Table 5, or contact Customer Service, for appropriate devices.
The format of the fuel/air data computer input is as follows, which conforms to the Shadin
“S” format serial message. Definition of the input message data that the GX50/60/65 uses is
included in Table 12. A sample input message is illustrated in Figure 20.
Baud rate: ..........................................9600
Data bits: ...........................................8
Stop bits: ...........................................1
Parity: ................................................none
Expected input rate: ..........................approx. 1 second
Message length: ................................variable (512 character max.)
The serial input message string is expected in the following format.
<STX><message><message> ... <message><chksum><ETX>
<STX> ...............................................ASCII “start of text” character (STX = 02h)
<message> .........................................starts with an ASCII “S”, then an ID character,
followed by the message data, a carriage return (CR
= 0Dh), and a line feed (LF = 0Ah) See the
Altitude Sign Altitude in Feet
Temperature Sign Example 1
Altitude Encoder/ Internal Temperature
Converter Identifier Message Checksum
210 feet above sea level (@29.92 gh)
#AL +00210T+25D4 with temperature of 25°C
Altitude Sign Altitude in Feet
Temperature Sign Example 2
Altitude Encoder/ Internal Temperature
Converter Identifier Message Checksum
45 feet below sea level (@29.92 gh)
#AL -00045T+45DE with temperature of 45°C
Status Code Example 3
Message Checksum
Indicates encoder is warming up
#AL -09980T+12E9 (is still below +25°C)
Figure 19 Altitude Data Input