
The Edit menu contains options for creating or editing file data:
· Waypoint editor
· Route editor
The Comm menu contains options for transferring various types of data
between your GPS unit and a PC:
(from GPS unit to PC) -
Waypoint data
Proximity Waypoint data
Route data
Track data
Almanac data
(from PC to GPS unit) -
Waypoint data
Proximity Waypoint data
Route data
Track file data
Almanac data
· Display real time data in graphical form
· Communications port selection
The Plot menu offers options for customizing the screen plotting parameters:
· Zoom in
· Zoom out
· Fit current plot to screen (Zoom Extents)
· Draw a window around a specific portion of screen plot and zoom in
· Pan to a specific point on your graph
· Refresh (update) screen
The SatVis menu gives you options to preview satellite visibility information:
· Animated satellite sky view for a specific location and time
· DOP/satellite availability chart for a specific location and time