
0E GGGOffTesting and initialization of different Input Devices. Also, update
the Kernel Variables.
Trap the INT09h vector, so that the POST INT09h handler gets
control for IRQ1. Uncompress all available language, BIOS logo,
and Silent logo modules.
13 Off Off G O Early POST initialization of chipset registers.
24 Off G R Off Uncompress and initialize any platform specific BIOS modules.
30 Off Off R R Initialize System Management Interrupt.
2A G Off O Off Initialize different devices through DIM.
See “DIM code checkpoints” on page 134 for more information.
2C G G R Off Initialize different devices. Detects and initializes the video
adapter installed in the system that has optional ROMs.
2E GGOOffInitialize all the output devices.
31 Off Off R O Allocate memory for ADM module and uncompress it. Give
control to ADM module for initialization. Initialize language and
font modules for ADM. Activate ADM module.
33 Off Off O O Initialize the silent boot module. Set the window for displaying
text information.
37 OffGOODisplaying sign-on message, CPU information, setup key
message, and any OEM-specific information.
38 G Off R R Initialize different devices through DIM. See “DIM code
checkpoints” on page 134 for more information.
39 G Off R O Initialize DMAC-1 and DMAC-2.
3A G Off O R Initialize RTC date/time.
3B G Off O O Test for total memory installed in the system. Also, check for
ESC keys to limit memory test. Display total memory in the
3C G G R R Mid-POST initialization of chipset registers.
40 Off R Off Off Detect different devices (parallel ports, serial ports, and
coprocessor in CPU, and so on) successfully installed in the
system and update the BDA, EBDA, and so on.
50 Off R Off R Programming the memory hole or any kind of implementation
that needs an adjustment in system RAM size, if needed.
Diagnostic LED decoder
G=Green, R=Red, O=Orange
8510522.book Page 129 Wednesday, March 16, 2005 11:19 AM