v1.0, July 2009
Chapter 3
Content Filtering
This chapter describes how to use content filtering s for the gateway. This chapter includes:
• “Viewing or E-mailing Logs”
• “Blocking Keywords, Sites, and Services” on page 3-2
• “Services” on page 3-4
• “Port Forwarding” on page 3-5
Viewing or E-mailing Logs
Your gateway logs security-related events such as Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, hacker probes,
and administrator logins, according to your settings on this screen. If you have set up content
filtering on the Block Sites screen, you can also log when someone on your network tried to access
a blocked site. You can specify which events are logged and you can send the logs to a Syslog
1. Log in to the gate
way as described in “Logging In to Your Gateway” on page 1-4.
2. In the main menu, under Content F
iltering, select Logs. The Logs screen displays.
Figure 3-1