Loadingand usingthe dryer.
Always follow the fabric manufacturer's care label when laundering.
Sorting and Loading Hints
Asa general rule,if clothes are sorted properly for the
washer,theg are sorted properly for the drgeE
Do not add fabric softener sheetsoncethe load has
become warm. They may cause fabric softenerstains.
Bounce®Fabric ConditionerDryer Sheetshove been
approved for usein all GEDryers when usedin
accordancewith themanufacturer's instructions.
Do not overload.Thiswastes energy and causes
Do not dry the following items: fiberglassitems,
woolens,rubber-coated items, plastics,items with
plastictrim and foam-filled items.
Care and Cleaning of the Dryer
TheExterior: Wipe or dust any spillsor washing
compounds with a damp cloth. Dryer control
panel and finishesmay be damaged by some
laundry pretreatment soiland stain remover products.
Apply these products awag from the dryeEThefabric
may then be washed and dried normally. Damage to
your dryer causedbg these products is not covered
by gour warranty.
TheLint Filter: Cleanthe lintfilter before each
use. Moistenyour fingers and reach into the filter
opening. Runyour fingers acrossthe filtenHavea
qualifiedtechnician vacuum the lint from the dryer
once a gear
Stainless Steel: To clean stainless steel surfaces,
use a damp cloth with a mild, non-abrasive cleaner
suitable for stainless steel surfaces. Removethe
cleaner residue, and then drg with a clean cloth.
TheExhaust Duct: Inspect and clean the exhaust
ducting at leastonce a gear to preventclogging.
Apartially clogged exhaust can lengthen the
drying time.
Follow these steps:
IT] Turn off electrical supply bg disconnecting the
plug from the wall socket.
F_ Disconnectthe duct from the dryer
F_ Vacuum the duct with the hose attachment and
reconnect the duct.
TheExhaust Hood: Checkfrom the outsidethat the
flaps ofthe hood move freely when operating. Hake
surethat there isnot wildlife (birds,insects,etc.)nesting
insidethe duct or hood.