~: Thisclockradioisequippedwith amemory
8iIiIiI. holding systemthat canbepoweredwith
: 9V battery (not included). The power
. failureprotectioncircuitwill notoperate..
. unlessbattery isinstalled.
. When normal household power is
interrupted, orACcordisunplugged,the
batterywill powerthe clockradioto keep
. track of time and alarm settings
programmedinto thememory.Whenthe
battery backup functions, the digital
. display will not light, however, the
function of alarmstill occursduring the
power interruption if remaining battery
. powerisadequate. Normaloperationwill
. resumeafterACpowerisrestoredsoyou
. will not haveto reset the time or the
. alarm.
. Installbatteryasbelow:
. 1.Removebatterycompartmentdoor
(locatedatthe bottomof the radio)by
applying thumb pressure to area
indicatedonbatterydoor andthen lift
the doorout andoff thecabinet.
. 2.Connecta9Vbatterytothe connector
3.Insertbatteryinthe compartmentand
replacethe compartmentdoor.
Power FailureIndicator
When the AC power is interrupted'
(disconnected)for ashort periodof time,
both time andalarmsettingswill change'
(unlessoptional batteryisinstalled).After
AC power isrestored (reconnected),the
Digital Displaywill blink to indicatethat'
powerwasinterrupted andyoushould
re-adjustthe time andalarmsettings.
. Thedescriptions and characteristics in this owner's manual are for the purpoie of general
. reference only and not as a guarantee. In order to provide you with the highest quality .
product, we may make changes or modifications without prior notice. The English version serves
. as the final reference on all product and operational details should any discrepancies arise in
other languages.
""""""""""""""""""""""" .
. Setting time:
: 1.Press the SETbutton, the" : " will flash
. onthedisplay.
. 2. PressREVc:::::J or FWD [::::;1 to setthe time.
. 3.AMorPMiconwillshowbesidethe
. time.
No iconwill beflashing if all selectors are
set, if you see any icon flashing on display, .
press the SET button repeatedly to .
confirm everything isset correctly.
' " .