—————— GENERAL ——————
The braking unit 6KBU300 is basically composed by a static switch (IGBT) controlling the voltage of the intermediate
circuit of the inverter (DC Link), dissipating the energy generated by the motor (and correspondent load) connected
to the inverter while deceleration steps, by turning on and channeling excess energy through a resistor.
With this technique it is possible to obtain faster decelerations, operate overhauling loads avoid the tripping of the
“Overvoltage” protection of the inverter, which could be caused by a sudden increasing of the DC Link voltage.
Through a parallel connection of the units between terminals C and D, and a cascade connection of the braking
command (master/slave configuration), it is possible to parell four-units in connection.
A thermal protection contact input of the braking resistor with latched alarm is provided.
The latched alarm can be reset, once the alarm condition has been eliminated, by means of the button present on
the unit, or by a remote command, or switching off and on again the braking unit.
A quick discharge of the inverter’s intermediated circuit (DC Link) can be commanded.
This command must be directly interblocked with the contactors that supply the energy to the inverters
and suitably interlocked to not discharge while the drive is enabled.