Step 4: Login
Enter a valid login name and password (case insensitive).
NOTE: You must enter the default login names and passwords, since at this point in the
installation the programmable permissions and passwords have not been assigned.
If successful, the Main Menu will display.
NOTE: The System Administrator must reassign these default passwords as soon as possible
to maintain controlled access.
Step 5: Set IP addresses, verify system communication
See HMI IP address
on page 22.
NOTE: Once this step is performed, the Remote HMI is communicating with the live system.
You must complete the next step to get the proper screens and configuration.
Step 6: Update HMI with Shared Files
During the Remote HMI installation, generic files are loaded. The custom system files
corresponding to a particular system must be obtained for proper screens and configuration.
Otherwise blank oneline, elevation, and control panel screens will be shown, the advanced
protection configuration and zone settings will not be shown, and other maintenance
configuration will not be set.
Entellisys provides a way for the System Administrator to easily distribute these files from a
properly configured HMI to other HMIs.
See Viewing and comparing settings files
on page 31 for details.
NOTE: When installing a Remote HMI prior to the switchgear arrival, this step cannot be
performed. In this situation, a System Archive must be installed. See Restoring an archive
on page 38 for instructions.
Login Password
Guest Default password is “Guest”
Administrator Default password is “gestart”