• Use toil only as directed in
this manual. TV dinners
may be n/icrowaved in toil
trays less than <2 ,, "
• .>/4 high;
rellIO_ the top toil cover
and return the tr_w to the
box. ¥\'hen using toil in
the n/icrow, ive oven, kee I)
the toil at least l" awa}
ffon/ the sides of the oven.
Plastic cookware--Plastic
cookware designed tot
n/icrowave cooking is very
useflll, but should be used
carefully. Exvn n/icrowave-
sate plastic Ilia?' not be as
tolerant of ovcrcooking
conditions as are glass or
ceran/ic n/aterials and
n/W soften or char if
subjecmd to short periods
of overcooking. In longer
exposures to overcooking,
the tood and cookware
could ignite.
Follow these guidelines:
I Use microwave-satE
plastics only and use
tlien_ in strict con/pliance
with the cookware
Ill HI]/lille tu rer's
2 Do not microwave en/pW
Do not pern/it children
to use plastic cookware
without con_plete
The Lm will operate
autonmtically tinder
certain conditions (see
Auton/atic Fan tcature).
Take care to prevent the
starting and spreading of
accidental cooking fres
while the vent Lm is in use.
• Clean the underside of
the n/icrowave often.
Do not allow grease
to build lip on the
n/icrowave or the
tim filter.
• In the event of a grease
fire on the surface units
below the microwave
oven, sn/other a flan/ing
pan on the surface unit
by coxvring the pan
con/pletely with a lid, a
cookie sheet or a fiat tray.
• Use care when cleaning
the vent Lm filtei:
Corrosive cleaning
agents, such as lye-based
()veil cleaners, II/Hy
dan/age the filtei:
• When preparing
flan/ing toods tinder
the n/icrowave, turn the
vent Lm on.
• Never leave surfi_ce units
beneath your n/icrowave
oven unattended at high
heat settings. Boilovcrs
cause sn/oking and greasy
spillovcrs that may ignite
and spread if the
n/icrowave vent tan is
operating. To n/inin/ize
auton/atic thn operation,
use adequate sized
cookware and use high
heat on surfi_ce units
only when necessary.