The Auto Cook pad may be used to eliminate your the sensor detects steam from the foods, Other .
need to look up cooking time in the Cookbook, or
Auto Cook control settings, which are for fresh or
guessing how long to set cooking time. By actually
frozen foods, need additional time after steam has
sensing the steam which escapes as food micro-
been sensed.Forthese foods, the oven determines
waves,this feature automaticallyadjuststhe oven’s the amount of additional time needed, then autu-
cookingtimeto varioustypesandamountsof food.
matically switches the oven to Time Cook for the
Becausecooking containers must be covered, this
necessary cooking time remaining. Oven beeps
featureis bestwith foodswhich you wishto steamor
when it switches to Time Cook (AUTOon readout is
to retain moisture, see chart on next page. Foods
replaced by numbers indicating cooking time), and
whicharebestmicrowaveduncoveredoronly lightly
oven door can be opened for stirring or rotating
covered should be cooked using time or tempera-
ture settings,or Cook Code’” control.
Be careful of steam when removing tight covers.
After touching the Auto Cook pad, and pressing
When you remove cover, direct the steam away
Start, you will see the word AUTO on the readout,
from hands and face.
which indicates that the sensor has been activated
Be sure the exterior of the cooking container and
to sense steam from the food, To prevent the es-
interior of microwaveoven aredry,
cape of steamfrom the oven, do not open the door
Always cover food containers using lids or plastic
while the word AUTO is on the readout. If door is
wrap. Plastic wrap should be loose over food to
opened, ERROR appears. Close door and touch
allow for expansion. Seal by pressing plastic wrap
firmly around edges. For best results, neverstretch
Setting 1, which is designed for easy reheating of
plastic wrap tightly over food, or use tight-sealing
foods, automatically turns the oven off as soon as
plastic lids.
Always stir or rotate after beeping signal,
bowls for entrees and vegetables.
Coverwith lids that fit. If lids arenot
available, use piastic wrap, Plastic
wrap should be loose over food to
plastic wrap firmly around edges.
Do not usO paper plates, Use
microwave safeplates or bowls for
reheating. Covet with plastic wrap,
Use ob!ong or square containers
for chicken or corn on the cob.
Plastic wrap ~ov~ring should be
loose over food to allow for
expansion,Sealby pressingplastic
wrap firmly around edges,
Frozen Food In Paperboard Tray:
Do not removefilm overtop of tray;
leave tray in paperboard box.
Frozen Food in Metal Tray: Do
removefrozenfood from metaltray
to microwave-safeplate;coverwith
plastic wrap.
Slit plastic pouches l-inch as
shown above.
Enclose hot dogs in buns entirely
in paper towds.