TOrep!acehood lamp,first disconnectpoweratmain
below. Be sure bulb to be replaced is cool before
fuse or circuitbreakerpanelorpullplug,Remove2
removing.Removebulb or bulbsand replacewith
-—-—— -
screwsfrom each side-of lower-paneland 3 screws
watt appliancebulbs.Raiselower paneland replace
from front edge.Lower patiel until it restson range
screws.Connectelectricalpowerto microwaveoven.
—, ,0
“&orepimeyouoven lamp,first disconnef$tpowerat
ndn km orckcultbreakeror pullplug,Removethe
topgrill by taking off 2 screwswhich hold it in place.
Next,removethesinglescrewon top leftthatsecures
lamp housing.(On modeisso equipped.)Open oven
door for easierremovalof the lamp housing assern-
My.Then gra$ptab and pull out and up to clear door
hinge and front lip of ovumTo removebulb, push it
inwardgently and turn to loft,then pull outward from
sockot.Ftoplacewith GE Lamp#25TfHXl
Cleanoff thegreaseandduston hoodsurfacesoften.
Useawarmdetergentsolution.About 1tabl~spoonof
ammoniamaybeaddedto thewater.Takecarermtto
touch the filters and enameledsurfaces with this.
Ammoniawill tend to darkenmetal.
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