How Use
Your H0L13/TIMER, which oper-
are timing a three minute phone
tions.The time can range from one
ates without microwave energy, call, touch 3, 0 and 0, The readout second to 99 minutes and 99 sec-
has three timing functions. panel shows 3:00 and “HOLD” ends. A HOLD,or “standing” time
It operates as a Minute Timer, it
appearson display.
may be found in someof your own
can be setto delay cooking or may
Step3:Touch START.The readout
recipesor Cookbook.
be used as a hold setting after
display shows the time as it counts
To set the oven to delay cooking
defrosting. Hold/Timer can be set
down, and “Hold Time Left”.
up to 99 minutes follow Steps 1
up to 99 minutes and 99seconds.
Step 4: When time is up, oven
and 2 to enter hold time, then set
Sfep 1: Touch HOLD/TIMER pad.
sounds.The readoutflashes“END”
time or temperaturedesired before
The read-out panel shows :0. “~n-
and the timer turns off. pressingSTART,When holding be-
ter Time” flashes.
fore temperature cooking, be sure
The t-iOLDtTIMER can also be
probe is in food before pressing
Step 2: Select the amount of time
used to program “standing time”
you desire. Touch the appropriate
between microwavecooking func-
number pads, If, for example, you
To help you become acquainted with the HQLD/TIMER feature as used with Time Cook or Temp Cook
follow Stepsbelow to defrost a frozen casserolefor 15minutes,then hold 10minutes and then cook 25minutes.
If using Temp Cook after Hold/Timer, be sure to insert probe correctly as shown in Automatic Roasting
section of this book,
Step 1: Removecasserolefrom the
freezer and place in oven. Touch
the DEFROST pad. The readout
panel shows “fEnterDef Time”, :0,
and Power3.
Step 2: Touch 1, 5, 0 and O for
defrosting time. Def Time, 15:(30,
and Power3 appear on the display
panel. (Defrosting is automatically
set on Power Level 3 but can be
changed by touching POWER
LEVEL pad and the rww Power
Wep 3: $%Xstanding or hold time
by touching HC)LDITIMER,“Enter
Time” and :0appearon display.
Step 4: Touch 1,0, 0, and Oto hold
for ten minutes,10:00and *’I-KXJY’
appear on the display.
pad. The display shows “Enter
Gook Time”, :0, and Power 10
Step 6: Touch 2, 5, 0, and O for
twenty-five minutes of cooking
time. “Cook Time”, 25:00, and
Power 10 appear on the dis-
play panel,
Step 7: Touch START. ‘iDef Time
Left”, Power 3, and 15:00counting
down show on display. As each
function is automatically per-
formed oven display shows en-
tered information.
Cl. What will happen if I ;]cciden-
tally reversethe instructic3ns’/
A. If you accidentally reverse the
sequence of programming instruc-
tions, your oven automatically
rearranges your program. Defrost-
ing always comes first, then hoM,
and then the cooking function.
Q. Can I Defrost-l-bid only cm my
A. Sometimes.you maywant to de-
frost a food, hold it, and refrigerate
it to be cooked later, All you need
to do is program in Defrost and
amount of time. Then program
Hotd and amount of time, Put your
thawed dish in the refrigerator and
cook later at a convenienttime.
NOTE: Allow foods to remain at
room temperature only as long as
safe.Times will vary.
Q. I programmed my oven for a
specific defrosting time but it de-
frosted longer than necessary.
What happened?
A, M/hen instructions conflict, the
oven carries out the last instruc-
tion. You mayhave set the oven to
Defrost for 4 minutes, Hold/’Time
for 2 minutes,and then Defrost for
6 minutes. In this case, the oven
would Defrost for 6 minutes and
Hold/Time for 2 minutes,