LX: OPM_LPU_11U_5K0_10K_1US_V030 10 GE DE LP 11U UPS: Installation / User Manual 3.0 (US)
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LP Serie
• Ensure that the total power requirement of the equipment to be protected does not exceed the rated
output power of the UPS. (output power for your unit is indicated on the rating label on the rear panel).
• When using the 120V split phase outputs make sure that the load per 120V output does not exceed half
the rating.
• The UPS may only be installed by trained personnel. The UPS must be grounded when in use: Connect
the UPS to a single phase, three wire AC source equipped with an earth connection.
• Use insulated copper input and output wiring, rated 90°C derated to 40°C, wire size based on the
ampacities given in Tables 310-16 of the National Electrical code, ANSI/NFPA 70-1993.
This wiring shall have the following minimum sizes:
Utility voltage
UPS model 120V 208V 240V
LP 5-11U 6 AWG 10 AWG 10 AWG
LP 6-11U 4 AWG 8 AWG 10 AWG
LP 8-11U N/A 6 AWG 8 AWG
LP 10-11U N/A 4 AWG 6 AWG
Table 2. Input wiring
Output voltage
UPS model 120V 208V 240V
LP 5-11U 8 AWG 10 AWG 10 AWG
LP 6-11U 8 AWG 10 AWG 10 AWG
LP 8-11U 6 AWG 8 AWG 8 AWG
LP 10-11U 4 AWG 8 AWG 8 AWG
Table 3. Output wiring
UPS model Tightening torque force
LP 5/6-11U/120V 22 Lbs/inch
All other models 18-20 Lbs/inch
Table 4. Tightening torque force