#$)5:'22,+':;8+9'8+'<'/2'(2+54'22*8?+835*+29 ??;80=24B2><
Minimizes wrinkles by adding approximately 60
minutes of no-heat tumbling after clothes are dry.
The light in center of the button will light up when
-)#)*"! is on.
Extended Tumble is automatically selected
for the SteamRefresh cycle and cannot
be deselected. Dryer will beep and display
“Garments Ready” when SteamRefresh is
complete. The dryer will continue in Extended
Tumble until the door is opened.
This option causes the dryer to beep when clothes
have dried to a damp level. Remove items that you
wish to hang dry. The "%!')will only beep
when this option is selected.
Removing clothes and hanging them when they
are damp can reduce the need to iron some items.
The light in center of the button will light up when
"%!')is on.
Press this button to turn on the light in the
Press the button again to turn the light off.
This only controls the light when the door
is shut. #$))74;867CF8;;CDA=>551H8CB4;505C4A
When the door is opened, the light comes
on automatically.
The light in center of the button will light up when
'*"!)is on.
Use to delay the start of your dryer.
Choose your dry cycle and any options.
Press !.()'). You can change the delay
time in 1/2-hour increments, using the ▲ or ▼
arrow pads.
Press the ()')%*( button to start
the countdown.
The countdown time will be shown in the
n ,:.+*558/956+4+*=./2+:.+*8?+8/9
button .'9(++468+99+*'-'/4
n &5;)'4*+2'?:.+9:'8:5,'*8?)?)2+;6:5
The light in center of the button will light up when
!.()')is on.
Reduces the total energy consumption of specific
dryer cycles by adjusting certain heat settings.
This cycle can be used with !)()+
,'(.'#$'"!"-!$( and