%'$!" %>BB81;40DB4B ,70C)>>
AH4AB70:4B>A (><4B70:8=6=>8B48B=>A<0; • Move dryer to an even floor space, or adjust leveling legs
<0:4B=>8B4 AH4A<0H14B8CC8=6D=4E4=;H as necessary until even.
;>C74BC0:4C>>;>=6 <?A>?4A>A>1BCAD2C433D2C8=6 • Check the Installation Instructions to make sure the
C>3AH dryer venting is correct.
• Make sure ducting is clean, free of kinks and
• Check to see if outside wall damper operates easily.
<?A>?4AB>AC8=6 • Separate heavy items from lightweight items (generally,
a well-sorted washer load is a well-sorted dryer load).
!0A64;>03B>5740EH501A82B • Large, heavy fabrics contain more moisture and take
;8:414027C>F4;B longer to dry. Separate large, heavy fabrics into smaller
loads to speed drying time.
>=CA>;B8<?A>?4A;HB4C • Match control settings to the load you are drying.
!8=C58;C4A8B5D;; • Clean lint filter before every load.
;>F=5DB4B>ACA8??4328A2D8C • Replace fuses or reset circuit breakers. Since most
1A40:4A dryers use 2 fuses/breakers, make sure both are
$E4A;>038=62><18=8=6;>03B • Do not put more than one washer load in the dryer at
a time.
*=34A;>038=6 • If you are drying only one or two items, add a few items
to ensure proper tumbling.
)74'.3AH=4BB;4E4; !>032>=B8BCB>50<8GCDA4 • When combining heavy and light fabrics in a load,
F0B27>B4=1DC;>038B >5740EH0=3;867C501A82B choose "$''..
G70DBCBHBC4<8B1;>2:43 • Inspect and clean exhaust system.
>=CA>;?03B=>C >=CA>;B022834=C0;;H?DC8= • Press ()')%*(.
A4B?>=38=6 B4AE824<>34
>=CA>;B022834=C0;;H?DC8= • Hold the !$ button for 3 seconds to unlock the dryer.
>=CA>;B?4A5>A<430= • Reset the in-house breaker.
AH4A3>4B=TCBC0AC >=CA>;?0=4;8BO0B;44?P • This is normal. Press %$,'to activate the control panel.
AH4A8BD=?;D6643 • Make sure the dryer plug is pushed completely into
the outlet.
DB48B1;>F=28A2D8C1A40:4A • Check the building’s fuse/circuit breaker box and
8BCA8??43 replace fuse or reset breaker. #$)Electric dryers
use two fuses or breakers.
AH4AF0B022834=C0;;H?0DB43 • If the light on the ()')%*( button is flashing,
F74=BC0AC8=64;0H(C0AC the dryer is paused. Press ()')%*(to restart
the countdown.
#>=D<14AB38B?;0H43 AH4A8B2>=C8=D>DB;H • This is normal. When the dryer senses a low level of
3DA8=62H2;4>=;H;867CB <>=8C>A8=6C740<>D=C>5 moisture in the load, the dryer will display the dry time
<>8BCDA48=C742;>C74B remaining.