Z Series RO System by GE Osmonics
3.1 Daily Start-Up Procedure
Verification of the absence of all sanitizers, cleaners, disinfectants and
chlorine/chloramines must be performed before RO product water is used for any patient
related uses.
If optional remote monitoring or control equipment (i.e. RO Status Monitor, Disinfect
Alarm Monitor…) is installed, refer to the appropriate manual for daily start-up
1. Ensure that all the valves in the water supply line to the RO are open.
2. Ensure that all pre-RO devices have been flushed, tested, and are operating within
their specifications.
3. Ensure that the Disinfect Inlet Valve is closed and the Disinfect Start switch is in
the OFF position.
4. Turn the RO power switch to the ON position.
5. Verify the Product Divert Valve opens and product water diverts to drain for an
approximate two-minute start-up delay.
The TDS must be below the alarm set point for the product divert valve to close.
6. The RO will Auto-flush for the preset duration. During this cycle the pressure
gauges will appear as follows:
a. Pre-filter pressure gauges should read between 25 and 100 PSI within 15
seconds of turning on system.
b. Supply and Waste pressure gauges should read approximately 100 PSI.
7. When the Auto-flush cycle is completed, the pressure gauges should indicate
normal pressure readings as follows:
a. Pre-filter pressure gauges should read between 25 and 100 PSI within 15
seconds of turning on system.
b. Supply and Waste pressure gauges should read approximately 225 for Direct
Feed or 250 PSI for Indirect Feed units.
8. The Percent Rejection monitor may indicate a decrease in RO performance when
first started and should show normal Percent Rejection values within a few
1238339b – 16Oct03 3 - 3 System Operation