Z Series RO System by GE Osmonics
4.6.2 BIOSAN™ Storage Procedure
It is recommended that protective gloves and eye protection be worn when handling the
BIOSAN™. Follow all Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) precautions and OSHA
Label machine with appropriate warning signs such as "Do Not Use / Contains Cleaner"
to prevent use of the RO until it is properly rinsed.
a. Disinfect and rinse the RO unit with an acceptable disinfectant solution. Reference
section 4.4, Disinfection Procedure.
b. Follow the operations for BIOSAN™ cleaning and do not rinse the RO unit after the
solution has been circulated in the machine. Reference section, BIOSAN™
Cleaning Procedure.
After storage, the RO unit must be completely rinsed of BIOSAN™, and a bacterial
culture performed and interpreted before use (reference sections, Post Cleaning
Rinse Procedure, and section 4.5, Product Water Culture Procedure). Perform AAMI
analysis if it has been one year or more since last done.
The RO unit may be stored in BIOSAN for up to 2 weeks with systems utilizing thin
film RO membranes.
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