Outdoor ( oohb_g Ce_ters
Gas &
When storing LP models indoors, discon-
nect the LP tank. Store the tank outdoors
in a well ventilated area.
Do not store spare LP tanks in or near tile
Otltdoor Cooking Center enclosure.
• Com_ect tile regulator/Quick Cmmect
assembly to the hose attached to the grill.
• Tile Quick Cmmect type coupling requires
the user to pull on tile outer sleeve of tile
timbale coupling while simultaneously
inserting tile male hose end into tile coupling,
then release tile locking outer sleeve.
To cmmect the tmlk:
• Insert tile coupler sleeve on tile regulator over
tile tank inlet, turi1 clockwise to tighten.
To disconnect the tm_k:
• Tm'n off tile main tank valve.
• Grasp tile coupler sleeve and ttlrn cotlnter-
_ hreadingCompoundMustBe
Resistantto L.P.Gas
Coupler Sleeve
Inlet ve
LP operating pressm'e is 10" W.C.
(:AUTION: The LP tank (shipped separately)
clockwise. Remoxe tile inlet from tile opening, is a Type 1Acme. Do not attempt to change
or alter these supplied parts Do not attempt
to use tile regulator/hose assembly with a
standard 510 POL tank/valve assembly.
Tile grill and its individual shut-off valve nlust
be discmmected fl'om tile gas supply during
any pressm'e testing of tile system at test
pressm'es in excess of 1/2 PSI(;.
Tile grill must be isolated from tile gas supply
system by closing its individual sh m-off valve
dm'ing any pressm'e testing of tile system at
test pressm'es equal to or less than 1/2 PSIG,
The installation of these grills must conform
with local codes or, in the absence of local
codes, with the National tirol gas code, ANSI
Z993 latest edition,
Operating pressm'e is 4" W.C.
Supply pressm'e should be 5" to 14" W.C. If
pressure is more than 14" _\(:. a step down
regulator is required.
Check with local gas utility or with local codes
_()i"instructions on installing gas supply lines.
Be sm'e to check on type and size of rim and
how deep to bm'v the line. If the gas line is too
small, the grill will not fimction properly.
c0uper /
to 3/8" FlareFitting_Natural GasSupply
• Install a mmmal gas shut-off valve in an easily
accessible location.
• Use threading compo/md on male threads
onlv. Do ilOt use threading compo/md on
tile male end of tile 1/2 NPT to 3/8 flare
• Make connections as shown,
• Check to be sure the regulator arrow points
in tile direction of gas flow, towards tile grill
and away fl'om tile gas supply.