• Do not use worn, bare, frayed or otherwise damaged electrical cord
sets with the generator.
• Before performing any maintenance on the generator, disconnect
the engine starting battery (if equipped) to prevent accidental start
up. Disconnect the cable from the battery post indicated by a
NEGATIVE, NEG or (–) first. Reconnect that cable last.
• In case of accident caused by electric shock, immediately shut
down the source of electrical power. If this is not possible,
attempt to free the victim from the live conductor. AVOID DIRECT
CONTACT WITH THE VICTIM. Use a non-conducting implement,
such as a rope or board, to free the victim from the live conductor.
If the victim is unconscious, apply first aid and get immediate
medical help.
• Gasoline is highly FLAMMABLE and its vapors are EXPLOSIVE.
Do not permit smoking, open flames, sparks or heat in the
vicinity while handling gasoline.
• Never add fuel while unit is running or hot. Allow engine to cool
completely before adding fuel.
• Never fill fuel tank indoors. Comply with all laws regulating
storage and handling of gasoline.
• Do not overfill the fuel tank. Always allow room for fuel
expansion. If tank is over-filled, fuel can overflow onto a hot
engine and cause FIRE or an EXPLOSION. Never store generator
with fuel in tank where gasoline vapors might reach an open flame,
spark or pilot light (as on a furnace, water heater or clothes dryer).
FIRE or EXPLOSION may result. Allow unit to cool entirely before
• Wipe up any fuel or oil spills immediately. Ensure that no
combustible materials are left on or near the generator. Keep the
area surrounding the generator clean and free from debris and
keep a clearance of five (5) feet on all side to allow for proper
ventilation of the generator.
• Do not insert objects through unit’s cooling slots.
• Do not operate the generator if connected electrical devices
overheat, if electrical output is lost, if engine or generator sparks or
if flames or smoke are observed while unit is running.
• Keep a fire extinguisher near the generator at all times.
1. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70: The NATIONAL
ELECTRIC CODE (NEC) available from www.nfpa.org
2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 5000: BUILDING
3. International Building Code available from www.iccsafe.org
4. Agricultural Wiring Handbook available from www.rerc.org, Rural
Electricity Resource Council P.O. Box 309 Wilmington, OH
5. ASAE EP-364.2 Installation and Maintenance of Farm Standby
Electric Power available from www.asabe.org, American Society
of Agricultural & Biological Engineers 2950 Niles Road, St.
Joseph, MI 49085
This list is not all inclusive. Check with the Authority Having Local
Jurisdiction (AHJ) for any local codes or standards which may be
applicable to your jurisdiction.
Unit ID Location
Safety Rules