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70 • 80 • 100 • 130 • 150 kW available accessories
Standby Generators
Model # Product Description
005632-0 - 70, 80 & 150 kW
005633-0 - 100 & 130 kW
Cold Weather Kit
If the temperature regularly falls below 32 °F (0 °C), install a cold
weather kit to maintain optimal battery temperature. Kit consists of
battery warmer with thermostat built into the wrap.
005620-0 - 70, 100 & 130 kW
005619-0 - 80 kW
005667-0 - 150 kW
Extreme Cold Weather
Recommended where the temperature regularly falls below 32 °F (0 °C)
for extended periods of time. For liquid cooled units only.
005651-0 Base Plug Kit Add base plugs to the base of the generator to keep out debris.
005703-0 Paint Kit
If the generator enclosure is scratched or damaged, it is important
to touch-up the paint to protect from future corrosion. The paint
kit includes the necessary paint to properly maintain or touch-up a
generator enclosure.
005660-0 - 70, 100, 130 & 150 kW
005985-0 - 80 kW
Maintenance Kit
The Liquid-Cooled Scheduled Maintenance Kits offer all the hardware
necessary to perform complete maintenance on Generac liquid-cooled
005928-0 Wireless Remote
Completely wireless and battery powered, Generac's wireless remote
monitor provides you with instant status information without ever
leaving the house.
Advanced Wireless
Remotely control generator functions with the advanced model’s LCD
display. In addition to remote testing of the generator, set the exercise
cycle and maintenance interval reminders.
006199-0 PMM Starter Kit
The PMM Starter Kit consists of a 24 VAC, field installed transformer
that enables the use of the 24 VAC Power Management Modules
(PMMs) and one PMM. The standard controller (without starter kit) can
control two HVAC loads with no additional hardware. Not compatible
with pre-wired switches.
Power Management
Module (50 Amps)
Power Management Modules are used in conjunction with the Smart
Switch to increase its power management capabilities. It gives the
Smart Switch additional power management flexibility not found in any
other transfer switch. Not compatible with pre-wired switches. Note:
PMM Starter Kit required.
006463-0 Mobile Link™
Generac's Mobile Link allows you to check the status of your generator
from anywhere that you have access to an Internet connection from a
PC or with any smart device. You will even be notified when a change in
the generator’s status occurs via e-mail or text message. Note: Harness
Adapter Kit required.
006478-0 Harness Adapter Kit
The Harness Adapter Kit is required to make liquid-cooled units
compatible with Mobile Link™.