8 Owner’s Manual for Stationary Emergency Generators
2.4 — Weather and Maintenance Kits
To keep the generator running at its peak, the following kits are offered:
• Cold Weather Kit
– Recommended for climates with temperatures below 32°F
• Extreme Cold Weather Kit
– Recommended Block Heater Kit for protection in temperatures below 32°F
• Scheduled Maintenance Kit
– Kit includes the recommended parts to maintain the generator. Refer to the Service Schedule for regular main-
tenance intervals.
For additional information, or to order any of these kits, please contact an Independent Authorized Service Dealer or
Customer Service Representative.
2.5 — Coolant Water Treatment
Use of improper coolants can damage the engine cooling system. Use demineralized water or distilled water for best
results. Hard water causes scale deposits, which reduces cooling efficiency and raises internal temperatures, possibly
leading to engine damage. Use an anti-corrosive to prevent rot in summer and anti-freeze to prevent freezing in winter.
Dilute the anti-freeze based on a theoretical temperature that is 9-18°F (5-10°C) below the lowest temperature
expected in the area. A ratio of 40-60% is most common range.
NOTE: Use only Peak Fleet-Charge® 50/50 ethylene glycol type coolant (available from any authorized
Do not use propylene glycol type coolant. Using the wrong coolant, mixing different types of coolant,
or even mixing different brands of the correct type of coolant, can produce unsatisfactory results, pos-
sibly leading to engine damage.
2.6 — Fuel Requirements
The Stationary Emergency Generator may be equipped with one of the following fuel systems:
• Natural Gas Fuel System
• Propane Vapor (LPV) fuel system
Recommended fuels must have a BTU content of at least 1,000 BTUs per cubic foot (37.26 megajoules per cubic
meter) for NG, or at least 2,520 BTUs per cubic foot (93.8 megajoules per cubic meter) for LPV. If converting to LPV
from NG, a minimum LP tank size of 250 gallons (946 liters) is recommended. See the Installation Manual for complete
details and procedures.
Freezing Point °F (°C) -13 (-25) -31 (-35) -58 (-50)
Coolant (% Volume) 40 50 60
Water (% Volume) 60 50 40