Owner’s Manual for Stationary Emergency Generators 1
Section 1 Safety
1.1 — Introduction
Thank you for purchasing this stationary automatic standby generator set. Every effort was made to ensure that the
information in this manual was both accurate and complete at the time it was released. However, the manufacturer
reserves the right to change, alter or otherwise improve this product at any time without prior notice.
This generator is designed to automatically supply electrical power to operate critical loads during a utility power failure.
The unit is factory installed in an all-weather metal enclosure and is intended exclusively for outdoor installation
using either Natural gas (NG) or Liquid Propane vapor (LPV).
NOTE: All 22-48 kW units are field convertible between NG or LPV, while 60 kW units are built per fuel require-
ments and are not field convertible.
When properly sized, the generator is suitable for supplying typical residential/commercial loads, such as induction
motors (sump pumps, refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, furnaces, etc.), electronic components (computers, mon-
itors, televisions, etc.), lighting, microwaves, and other residential and business loads.
The operator is responsible for proper and safe use of this equipment. Read
and thoroughly understand the contents of this manual before attempting to use the equipment. If any portion of this
manual is not fully understood, contact the nearest Independent Authorized Service Dealer for assistance.
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS: The manufacturer suggests that this manual and the rules for safe operation be cop-
ied and posted near the generator installation site. Safety should be stressed to all operators and potential operators of
this equipment.
SAFETY: Throughout this manual, and on tags and decals affixed to the unit, DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION and
NOTE blocks are used to alert personnel to special instructions about a particular operation, function or service that
may be hazardous if performed incorrectly or carelessly. Observe them carefully. Their definitions are as follows:
Indicates a hazardous situation or action which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
NOTE: Notes contain additional information important to an operation or procedure.
Four commonly used safety symbols accompany the DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION blocks. The type of informa-
tion each indicates is as follows:
This symbol points out important Safety Information that, if not followed, could endanger personal safety and/or
property of others.
This symbol points out a potential Explosion Hazard.
This symbol points out a potential Fire Hazard.
This symbol points out a potential Electrical Shock Hazard.
These “Safety Alerts” cannot eliminate the hazards that they signal. Strict compliance with these special instructions,
plus common sense, are major accident prevention measures.