BDVR Manual 10 Version 1.2
2. Playback / Record Control: These functions are used in Live mode or
Playback mode.
1) Direction buttons: In Menu setup mode, are used to move the cursor.
[LOG / Playback Stop]
① Log : Press this button to access the log list.
② Stop : This button stops playback
[R step or FR / REC ]
① Reverse Step : This button is used to move backwards, field by field, during STILL
② Fast Rewind : This button is used to fast rewind during PLAYBACK mode.
③ REC : Press to start recording. Press the button again to stop.
[Clear / Still or Playback] :
① Clear : This button is used to hide the On-Screen-Display information such as the
time, date and channel icons. This button removes alert icons on the corner of the
screen (AL, VL and PL). This button is also used to turn off the alarm buzzer.
② Still or Playback: This button is used to still or 1 x playback during playback mode.
[Schedule / F step or FF] :
① Schedule : Press this button to make scheduled recording standby. Press the button
again to stop.
② Forward step : This button is used to move forward field by field (picture by picture)
during STILL mode
③ F.F. : This button is used to Fast Forward during PLAYBACK mode.
3. Menu / ESC Button :
① Menu : Press this button to display the MAIN MENU screen.
② ESC : Press this button to exit a menu without saving.
4. . Enter :
: Press this button to save menu settings