1. Access Port: Select “0001 ~ 9999”
Enter the port number the client uses to communicate with the DVR over the internet.
The default port is 7000. It is recommended to use a port above 1000.
2. Bandwidth: Select the network bandwidth to limit the amount of network resources
allocated to client connection. The default is unlimited: “
4 KBPS ~ 8 MBPS”
3. Block 1) Ping Block: No response to ping. By default OFF.
2) Scan Block: No response to Auto Scan from EMS. By default OFF.
4. Stream Mode: Select network stream mode. Choose between Dual or Optimised
1) Dual: Streaming the video/audio data with a specified quality, it’s independent of
recording configuration.
<Note> Max Dual Stream for Network
2) Optimised: Stream the video/audio data with a maximised throughput. It depends
on the recording configuration but use manufacturer’s own method.
It provides better network streaming rate.
D1/2CIF,CIF 30 (25) FPS D1/2CIF,CIF 30 (25) FPS
D1/2CIF,CIF 1~15 (1~12) FPS D1/2CIF,CIF 15 (12) FPS
NTSC Available F/S by channel PAL Available F/S by channel
16 CH CIF, 7 F/S 16 CH CIF, 6 F/S
8 CH CIF, 7 F/S CIF, 15 F/S 8 CH CIF, 6 F/S CIF, 12 F/S
4 CH CIF, 7 F/S CIF, 15 F/S CIF, 30 F/S 4 CH CIF, 6 F/S CIF, 12 F/S CIF, 25 F/S