Calibration Che
Solvent Meter
1. The meter and lines must be primed with
solvent before doing the calibration. See
2. If the display is on a Run Mode screen, press
to access setup screens.
3. Scroll to Calibrate in the menu bar.
4. Scroll to Calibrate Screen 3, page 79.
5. Press the soft key
to initiate the calibration.
NOTE: For maximum accuracy, use a gravimetric
(mass) method to determine the actual volumes
NOTE: Verify that the fluid line is filled and at the
proper pressure before calibrating. Air in the line
or pressure that is too high may cause incorrect
calibration values.
6. Trigger the gu
n into a graduated cylinder.
Dispense a min
imum of 500cc of material.
7. The volume tha
t the unit measured displays on
the screen.
8. Compare the a
mount on the screen to the
amount in the
graduated cylinder.
NOTE: If the
value is substantially different,
repeat the c
alibration process.
9. Enter the am
ount of solvent dispensed in the
Measured V
olume field on the screen.
10. After the m
easured volume is entered, the
r calculates the new solvent meter
K-factor a
nd displays it on the screen. The
standard m
eter K-factor is 0.021 cc/pulse.
11. Press
accept the calibration. Press
to cance
l the calibration and retain the previous
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