Model G0602/G0752 (Mfg. Since 11/12)
To prevent the development of rust and corrosion,
the lathe must be properly prepared if it will be
stored for a long period of time. Doing this will
ensure the lathe remains in good condition for
later use.
To prepare the lathe for storage:
1. Run the lathe and bring the gearbox reservoir
to operating temperature, then drain and refill
with clean oil.
3. Thoroughly clean all unpainted, bare metal
surfaces, then apply a liberal coat of way oil,
heavy grease, or rust preventative. Take care
to ensure these surfaces are completely cov-
ered but that the rust preventative or grease
is kept off of painted surfaces.
4. Lubricate the machine as outlined in the
Lubrication section beginning on Page 52.
Be sure to use an oil can to purge all ball oil-
ers and oil passages with fresh oil.
Machine Storage
5. Loosen or remove all belts so they do not
become stretched during the storage period.
(Be sure to place a maintenance note near
the power button as a reminder that the belts
have been loosened or removed.)
6. Cover the lathe and place it in a dry area that
is out of direct sunlight and away from haz-
ardous fumes, paint, solvents, or gas. Fumes
and sunlight can bleach or discolor paint.
7. Every few months do the following:
• Rotate by hand all gear-driven components
a few times in several gear selections. This
will keep the bearings, bushings, gears,
and shafts well lubricated and protected
from corrosion—especially during the win-
ter months.
• Slide the carriage, tailstock, and steady
rest down the lathe bed to make sure that
way spotting is not beginning to occur.