G0656 8" Jointer with Built-In Mobile Base
Here are some rules to follow when choosing
and jointing stock:
• DO NOT joint or surface plane stock that
contains large or loose knots. Injury to the
operator or damage to the workpiece can
occur if a knot becomes dislodged during the
cutting operation.
• DO NOT joint or surface plane against the
grain direction. Cutting against the grain
increases the likelihood of stock kickback, as
well as tear-out on the workpiece.
• Jointing and surface planing with the
grain produces a better finish and is safer
for the operator. Cutting with the grain is
described as feeding the stock on the jointer
so the grain points down and toward you as
viewed on the edge of the stock (Figure 24).
Note: If the grain changes direction along the
edge of the board, decrease the cutting
and make additional passes.
Stock Inspection &
Figure 24. Correct and incorrect grain align-
ment with cutterhead.
• Only process natural wood fiber through
your jointer. Never joint MDF, particle board,
plywood, laminates, metal, stone, tile, glass,
plastic or other synthetically made materials.
• Scrape all glue off of boards before joint-
• Remove foreign objects from the stock.
Make sure that any stock you process with
the jointer is clean and free of any dirt,
nails, staples, tiny rocks or any other foreign
objects, which if they hit the knives and are
drawn into the dust collector, may cause a
fire hazard. The particles may also damage
the knives. Wood stacked on a concrete floor
can have small pieces of stone or concrete
pressed into the surface.
• Make sure all stock is sufficiently dried
before jointing. Wood with a moisture con
tent over 20% will cause unnecessary wear
on the knives and poor cutting results.
moisture can also hasten rust and corrosion.
• Make sure your workpiece exceeds the
minimum dimension requirements (Figure
25) before edge jointing or surface plan-
ing, or it may break or kick back during
the operation!
Figure 25. Minimum dimensions for edge jointing
and surface planing (jointer).
⁄2" Min.
1" Min.
12" Min.
12" Min.
⁄2" Min.
1" Min.