
Model G0757Z (Mfd. Since 02/15)
Adding /Changing
Use the correct person-
al protection equipment
when handling coolant.
Follow federal, state,
and fluid manufacturer
requirements for proper
As some coolant ages, dangerous microbes can
proliferate and create a biological hazard. The risk
of exposure to this hazard can be greatly reduced
by replacing the old coolant on a regular basis, as
indicated in the maintenance schedule.
The important thing to keep in mind when working
with the coolant is to minimize exposure to your
skin, eyes, and respiratory system by wearing
the proper PPE (personal protective equipment),
such as splash-resistant safety glasses, long-
sleeve gloves, protective clothing, and a NIOSH
approved respirator.
A small amount of coolant is lost during normal
operation. Check the coolant reservoir regularly
and fill it if necessary. We recommend chang-
ing the coolant every three months or sooner if it
develops an unpleasant odor. However, be sure
to follow the coolant manufacturer's instructions
when checking, adding, or changing coolant.
The coolant reservoir holds approximately 2 gal-
lons (7.5 liters) of fluid.
Checking/Adding Coolant
Tools Needed Qty
Hex Wrench 5mm .............................................. 1
Goggles .......................................... 1 Per Person
Gloves ............................................ 1 Per Person
Respirator ....................................... 1 Per Person
New Coolant ............Approx. 2 Gallon (7.5 Liters)
Disposable Shop Rags ...................... As Needed
To check or add coolant:
2. Clean away debris and grime from coolant
return screen and surrounding area, then
remove screen from base, as shown in
Figure 72.
3. Use a clean metal tool as a dip stick to mea-
sure the level of coolant in reservoir. If lower
than 1
2", add coolant by pouring it into return
screen hole.
4. Re-install return screen before resuming mill-
ing operations.
Tip: As an alternate method, leave return
screen in place and use a clean, small instru-
ment through holes in return screen, such
as a dip stick. If more coolant is necessary,
make sure screen and surrounding area are
clean from any containments, then add cool-
ant through screen.
Running coolant pump without adequate
coolant in reservoir may permanently dam-
age coolant pump, which will not covered
by warranty.
Figure 72. Coolant return screen removed.
Return Screen