-6- G1032 Dust Collector
The Model G1032 Dust Collector is shipped from
the manufacturer in a carefully packed carton. If
you discover the machine is damaged after
you’ve signed for delivery, please call Customer
Service immediately for advice.
Save the containers and all packing materials for
possible inspection by the carrier or its agent.
Otherwise filing a freight claim can be difficult.
Caution: This Dust Collector is a relatively heavy
and awkward machine (78 lbs). DO NOT over-
exert yourself while unpacking or moving your
machine – get assistance. In the event that your
Dust Collector must be moved up or down a flight
of stairs, be sure that the stairs are capable of
supporting the combined weight of people and
the machine.
When you are completely satisfied with the con-
dition of your shipment, you should inventory its
Piece Inventory
After all the parts have been removed from the
carton, you should have:
• Motor / Fan Assembly
• Base
• Collection/Filter Bags
• Lower Support Column
• Casters (4)
• Rubber Gasket
• Hex Bolts
⁄4"-20 x
⁄2" (6)
• Hex Bolts
⁄16"-18 x
⁄4" (8)
• Phlp Hd Screws 10-24 x
⁄2" (16)
• Nuts
⁄16"-18 (4)
• Flat Washers
⁄16" (4)
• Allen Wrench 4mm
• Allen Wrench 5mm
In the event that any non-proprietary parts are
missing (e.g. a nut or a washer), we would be
glad to replace them, or, for the sake of expedi-
ency, replacements can be obtained at your local
hardware store.